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Osmo Method Mix Pro - 1kg

Osmo Method Mix Pro - 1kg


Osmo Method Mix Pro – A characteristic feature of our mixture is its strong mealy aroma. When you open the package, you will definitely feel the intense fishy smell typical of good baits.


When creating this mixture, we focused on making the bait as effective as possible. This was achieved thanks to the use of the best fish meals available, METHOD MIX PRO includes the following meals: the famous LT94, water-soluble PRE_DIGISTED meal, krill meal.
Thanks to them, the bait is very attractive to fish and we can often enjoy catches in the first casts. 


Due to the high content of flour, our bait is quite sticky, so after soaking, the bait should be rubbed through a sieve. The remaining ingredients remain our sweet secret. 


The mixing ratio is 3 to 1, add 1 box of water to 3 boxes of dry mixture. We tested various granulation variants. In our opinion, the final fraction of the bait is the best, adapted to Polish fisheries. Here you will find coarse and quite fine fractions. 

As a company, we are proud of our product, the bait is the result of our experience and knowledge we have. During the tests, the bait allowed us to take high places in fishing competitions all over Poland, including Dawid's win at the MFP MASTERS.

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