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The sweet chili spice mixture has long played a decisive role in the gastronomy of the Far East, but they probably didn't even think that this sweet and spicy flavor is also quite appealing to fish. We added high-quality paprika extract to the feed material - and of course to the bait as well, so we can treat the finfish with an even more attention-grabbing, even more pronounced taste and smell.


Sweet chili

This product line, based on the English recipe, but made specifically for domestic waters, thanks to its elite quality components, can produce excellent results in everyday fishing as well as in competitive conditions. Among the raw materials of CATCH feed materials, you can find the well-proven high-protein and selected high-quality carbohydrate ingredients in perfect harmony. Crushed pellets, ground corn derivatives, toasted and ground seeds and many other useful ingredients elevate these products to a very high level.
Whether it's feeder fishing or float fishing, the members of the CATCH family are sure to delight both fish and anglers!

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